Monday, October 22, 2007

Ethical Theory

"Beautiful" sung by Christina is a song about how no matter who you choose to be, be comfortable with who you are. Not to let anyone discourage you to be yourself. Not to let anyone bring you down and make you feel less of a person then who you are.

Even if being yourself means being comfortable under 80kg of skin, braces for couple of years, or even liking the same sex.

We think this song is appropriate as the generation nowadays have low self esteem problems as they are constantly surrounded by judgmental people or peers. This leads to resentment of being themselves and trying to fit into other peoples ways and so never being able to be who they want to be.

Our group is not against homosexuality and neither do we fully support it. But we accept homosexuals for who they are as a person. Who could be your friend, your cousin or even a sibling. To avoid conflicts and to keep peace among family and friends in the world we all share.

We believe this is under the moral ethical value of UTILITARIANISM as one of its key factors is to make the world a better place, which means a better place for everyone to live in. A better place where everyone can feel comfortable to live their lives to produce better consequences even without having good intentions as people live in harmony. Utilitarianism also teaches to do something for the most benefit to all of humanity and not to satisfy a self-fish need.

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