Monday, October 8, 2007

The Pros Of homos

•The world would have a more colorful point of view.
•The world would be nothing without gays because we wouldn’t have nice clothes to wear, or nice flowers to show off.
•And without homos, there will be no Elton John
•Most of the disney workers are Gay.
•Homos are people who spends more money then straight plain guys, which means business to many of the world’s economics.
•People are actually happy as gays because life is more stressfree and less boring, heteroes are just plain boring cause they only live to get married and have children whereas the gays have different point of views in life, and bigger dreams means better evolution for us humans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello guys, the pro's are not really acceptable. Do more research and reading on this k?

Good luck!!